Monday, March 25, 2013

The truck...

There's a truck on the beach outside Denver's Hanger, loaded with so much gear and random stuff that it looks like an exploded pinata. Denver ties his hammock between a palm tree and the radiator cap of this old, sagging truck.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Art and other noise...

So some of my art and doodles are now up on DeviantArt and it's kind of cool to show it off a little. Haha Looking forward to trying to network with different artists and creative people in the industry!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Production Design!

I love art. I love what it shows and demonstrates someone is capable of creating and thinking. If you want to see into the heart and mind of a person, look at their art, the words they put to paper or the shot they frame in their camera. There is so much good in the world to be had if people would just look and see.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Doodles From My Dreams

I have been working on a book and since I have studied art off and on I figure why not start illustrating my ideas and thoughts about it. Hope these are enjoyable!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Go nigh-nights

Tonight, with this light so bright, illuminated
is the blight that has caused such a fright
And if I may or if I might,
let not the monsters eat me this night
but if they do, then I’m really screwed
heard the ugly one likes to make folks into shoes
wonder what I’d be good for, or if I’d be left, dusty and unused?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Artillery Horse

Steam falls from venting nostrils
Legs shake, soaked in sweat
Hooves sink in blood-splashed mud
Flea eaten shoulders strain in straps
Wheels slide and slip
Leather creaks and splits
Hills rise and fall
Shaped by shell and shock

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Time is an incredible thing

It is not patient

And it is not kind

It defines


It slips away with a glass of wine

Time rings in our ears as we rush to and fro

Sluggishly slides by like a slow hopping toad

Time is complex

Time is a killer

Time has been judged


And set free

No one can lock it up

No one can hold it long


Time is an incredible thing